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Photo Gallery | About
Adelina Z. Photography » About


First of all, my name is Adelina Z. I live in Bucharest, Romania and I’m currently a student. I’m really pasionated about photography and when I get older I hope to be good enough to be a professional photographer, eventhough my parents want something a lot different for me. Right now, I take as many shots as I can when I get the ocasion and I have time, eventhough school messes everything up.

I am planning on going to some special photography courses, but nothing’s for sure, so right now I am a self-taught photographer and I try to learn something new everyday.

Everyday, I wake up with the ideea and desire of taking pictures, and, with my photoblog, I just try to make you smile a little, at least for a second, and make your day a little better.


Equipment: Canon EOS 400D + Canon 18-55mm + Canon Speedlite 430EX
Editing Programs: I currently use Adobe Photoshop CS3, and all my pictures go through it before they’re put in here.

I support: Cezar Blog